Directive Communication Psychology
What is Directive Communication Psychology?
Directive Communication (DC) Psychology is a training and organizational development psychology developed by Arthur F. Carmazzi. DC Psychology identifies how people act and react in teams and how this affects individual performance. It gives individuals the ability to specifically and positively direct enthusiasm and action for themselves and the people around them. It exposes individuals to the mental, emotional, and physical triggers that will lead to improvement in their quality of life in and out of work. DC Psychology is a foundational science that can be applied in leadership development, organisational culture change, employee engagement, communication and many more.

What is Colored Brain?

By identifying the fundamental patterns in the way our brain genetically processes the world around us, we overcome misunderstanding, conflict, and wastage of individual and group potential. Awareness of these “brain communication” processes gives us the means to maximize our capacity to act intelligently, to “turbo charge” our natural gifts and use them to maximize our ability to develop “software” for our brain to achieve greater competence across many disciplines. We are able to understand others at a deeper level and unleash greater potential for relationships at work and at home, for easier learning and teaching, and for greater harmony and cooperation with our environment and our teams. The CBCI™ is the Psychometric Profiling Component of the Colored Brain.

Benefits of Colored Brain

Understanding your Colored Brain processing.
Understanding of how you are affected by different Colored Brains.
Strengths and how to develop them.
Weaknesses and how to overcome them.
Detailed report for cultivating your productivity, influence, and mental ability.
Clear insights on how to influence others.
Gaps in your communication with others and how to improve them.
How to further develop other ‘Colors’ of your brain.

What is the Directive Communication Psychology CBCI™ Psychometric Profiling Tool?
The CBCI™ (Colored Brain Communication Inventory) is a psychometric profiling tool developed by Arthur Carmazzi. CBCI does not assess personality or combines both “nature” and “nurture” in one psychometric profiling tool. We feel personality is too complicated to be tested in one Personality Test. Profiling in the DC model, identifies 5 elements to what we call “identity” and Colored Brain is only one of them… but it is the first and most important one because everything else is filtered through it!
CBCI supports more effective group dynamics, improved relationships and enriched leadership ability and all this means that you must interact with real people and know how to best manage and support them. You must know their Colored Brain and the intricacies of working and enhancing relationships with them. You will be able to see clearly how each individual in your environment interprets you and your “how”, and you will get tips and strategies to enhance your interaction with them and their “how”.

What are Emotional Drives?
There are eight fundamental Emotional Drivers and motivators. Each of these is based on a human psycho-emotional need developed through environmental factors such as family, culture and stage in life. While each of these drivers are present in each individual, they do not have equal importance. They are also achieved in different ways by different individuals in different environments. Every individual has a different order of importance for these eight drivers. We are constantly filling these as emotional gratifications; sometimes in positive ways, sometimes in neutral ways, and sometimes in negative ways. But we are constantly filling them.
The ranking of these drivers can change with time, based on our environment, our experiences, and especially our traumas or strong relationships. They are also affected by loss. These drivers can also be cultivated either positively or negatively by our environment, our culture, our parents, our teachers, and our peers.

What is Workplace Gamification?
Why is it essential to gamify work processes as the way moving forward to sustain a culture of productivity?
According to a recent study, in an average working culture of 100 employees, the work output is that of 100 employees. In a negative working culture, the output is that of 68 employees. On the other hand, in a positive working culture, the 100 employees perform at the level of 151 employees. Now, imagine the same result with your entire workforce. To create a positive working culture, consistent employee engagement is no longer an option. Rather, it is the solution to long term engagement and career development of staff.
A game-based activity such as implementing points, badges and leadership boards has its limitations in creating excitement and it normally does not last. Gamifying work without the proper setting of business objectives and desired behaviours will make it difficult to achieve a great working culture. As Gen-Y's and Millennials are an important category of the workforce that cannot be ignored, it has become more crucial to fulfil emotional gratification at work. It is about work-life integration and having a lifestyle at the workplace.
Why the need to gamify work process?
How often do you check your phone for messages or social media notifications? How often do you check your emails?
In this age of information, you will notice more employees spending time on their phones, be it in meetings or in the middle of their meals during lunch. This shows the importance of gratification being “instant”. The key is not just being fast, but how you fulfil these instant emotional needs. Emotional gratification is the key to culture alignment, employee engagement, innovation, and proactive leadership (at any level). We are introducing a concept on how your routine work processes can be gamified and be measured for performance at the same time. Systematization is the key to sustaining ability and managing expectations with instant and consistent feedback to motivate improvement and higher achievement. You add fun to this mix and you get Work Gamification!

How can ‘Work Gamification’ help me to
measure and improve employee performance?
'Anything that can be measured can be improved.' - Michael Dell.
Participants are taken through a greater understanding of the Psychology of Motivation and how gamifying work processes can create a performance focused culture. The participants play ‘Performanceia’, a game that leads them through the 8 Steps of Work Gamification where they will learn how to create tangible and implementable gamified work processes that not only improve performance according to the set objectives, but can be measured daily. How can this be measured, you may ask?
What is Squadli?
Squadli is a Team Performance & Appraisal App that is designed to track productivity of individuals, single or multiple teams or departments while improving motivation.
It can:
Create a comprehensive record of your performance perspectives of your team.
Motivate your team with positive reinforcement and awards.
Track decreases in motivation and performance before it's too late.
Create friendly competition with gamified performance team ranking.
Get INSTANT feedback on how to improve leadership strategies.
Make corrections in attitude by sharing how you feel in a fun, non-confrontational way.
Once performance measurement is created in a fun process, you can start to see:
Improved productivity.
Reduce absenteeism.
Align personal values with company goals.
Increased engagement among peers and team members.